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Solution for CRISPR Viral Delivery Systems in Precision Medicine    

With the development of CRISPR/Cas9 as a tool for genome editing, viral delivery systems for CRISPR have revolutionized therapeutic possibilities and are essential to precision medicine. Gene therapies, which replaced defective alleles with functional ones via gene augmentation techniques, were the main focus of gene therapies until the discovery of CRISPR. Correcting disease-causing mutations, enabling targeted therapy, modeling diseases, and comprehending disease processes are all made possible by CRISPR/Cas9. There are several gene delivery vector choices available to researchers, each with special qualities and benefits.

Fig 1 illustrates the diverse landscape of CRISPR/Cas9 delivery platforms, showcasing a spectrum of viral and non-viral vectors, plasmids, and ribonucleoproteins (RNPs).Figure 1. CRISPR/Cas9 delivery platforms

Applications of Adenoviral Vectors (AdV) in CRISPR

Adenoviruses (AdVs) are double-strand DNA viruses that can infect both dividing and non-dividing cells. They have an icosahedral nucleocapsid and no envelope. Its genome is extrachromosomal post-injection, reducing the possibility of off-target effects in CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing. It is flanked by two inverted terminal repeat (ITR) sequences. AdV is a perfect delivery vector for CRISPR applications because of this special feature. Constant efforts are made to maximize AdV's transduction efficiency and low incidence of human symptoms to use it as a gene delivery vector.

CRISPR Integration with Lentiviral Vectors (LV)

The single-stranded RNA spherical virus known as lentivirus (LV) can transduce both non-dividing and proliferating cells. To reduce the amount of live virus particles that form inside cells, modern LV systems split important genes into three plasmids. Since LV integrates into the host genome as a retrovirus and can pseudotype with different viral proteins to enable engineered cellular tropism, there is a chance that insertional mutagenesis will occur unintentionally off-target, which is something to take into account in CRISPR applications.

Using Adeno-Associated Viruses (AAV) to Enhance CRISPR Genes

Adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) have shown minimal immunogenicity and toxicity in animal research, which qualifies them for use in gene augmentation therapy clinical trials on humans. AAV DNA is primarily episomal; integrations into particular chromosomal regions are safe and promote long-term gene expression in proliferating cells. Because AAV DNA is episomal and can transduce different cell types effectively, it is a desirable vector for CRISPR-mediated gene augmentation.

Bacteriophages and CRISPR-Cas9 Synergy

The combination of bacteriophages and CRISPR-Cas9 presents a promising strategy for fighting bacteria that are resistant to drugs. This method allows for the selective removal of pathogenic strains while protecting non-pathogenic ones by utilizing the precision targeting of CRISPR and the bacterial infection capabilities of bacteriophages. The treatment of bacterial infections may be completely changed by creating customized bacteriophages that target and eliminate antibiotic-resistant bacteria exclusively by integrating CRISPR-Cas systems into them.

Creative Biogene's CRISPR platformCB Offers Precise and Effective CRISPR Viral Delivery Solutions

Creative Biogene's CRISPR platformCB provides precise and effective CRISPR viral delivery solutions through customized viral vectors. Discover the many benefits of each of our varied gene delivery vectors, which are all leading to ground-breaking discoveries. With Creative Biogene, discover the possibilities of CRISPR right away!

Our Optimization Strategies

  • Optimized vector design: We have optimized the capsid proteins of the vectors to enhance their recognition and entry capabilities into target cells.
  • Enhanced delivery efficiency: Utilizing state-of-the-art techniques and methods, we have improved the carrier proteins and signal sequences of the vectors to enhance delivery efficiency.
  • Targeted delivery to specific cell types: We employ specific cell surface receptors or tissue-specific promoters to ensure that CRISPR/Cas gene editing tools are expressed only in target cells.
  • Fusion with auxiliary proteins: We fuse auxiliary proteins with the viral vectors to enhance the expression and efficiency of CRISPR/Cas gene editing tools. Proteins such as VP64 are fused to enhance transcriptional activation or inhibition, thereby increasing the efficacy of gene editing.
  • Balancing safety and efficacy: We ensure that the viral vectors exhibit high-efficiency delivery and minimal cytotoxicity during the gene editing process to protect cell health and safety.

Advantages of Our CRISPR Viral Delivery Services

  • Safety and Efficiency: Our viral delivery services undergo rigorous safety assessments to ensure safety and efficacy during the gene editing process. Employing advanced technologies and methodologies, we guarantee the stability and delivery efficiency of viral vectors.
  • High Specificity: With our experienced team and optimized viral vectors, we achieve high specificity in delivering gene editing tools to target cells, minimizing off-target effects on non-target cells.
  • Customized Services: We provide customized CRISPR viral delivery solutions tailored to specific customer requirements and application scenarios, ensuring optimal research and application outcomes.
  • Versatility and Flexibility: With a range of customizable options available, researchers can tailor our viral delivery solutions to their specific experimental requirements. This versatility allows for the adaptation of our technology to various research contexts and applications.
  • Expert Support: Our team of experts provides comprehensive support throughout the research process, from vector design to experimental implementation. Researchers can rely on our expertise to optimize their gene editing experiments and achieve their scientific goals with confidence.

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For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.