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Detection of pathogens in vitro using the CRISPR/Cas system    

The prevention and control of epidemics depend heavily on the early and prompt detection of infections. The practical implementation of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology is limited by the need for costly equipment control, specialized testing facilities, intricate solution handling stages, and professional operation. Strong specificity, high sensitivity, and user-friendliness characterize pathogen detection techniques based on clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) and CRISPR-associated proteins (CRISPR/Cas). These attributes make them more appropriate for real-world application.

Fig. 1 outlines the advancements of CRISPR-Cas in pathogen detection, emphasizing its potential for clinical use. (Source from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jare.2022.10.011)Figure 1. Detection techniques based on the working principles of CRISPR-Cas proteins. (Huang et al., 2023)

Application of Cas9 in Pathogen Detection

Genetic changes such as knockout, knockin, multiplex editing, activation or repression of genes, and functional genomic screening have all been made possible by the widespread use of Cas9. Low-cost RNA virus detection approaches have been achieved by utilizing Cas9's unique cleavage capacity in conjunction with RNA amplification techniques and paper-based colorimetric reactions in pathogen detection. A different strategy uses Cas9 nickase-based amplification reactions (Cas9nAR), which show detection limits for Salmonella detection that are similar to qPCR. Deactivated Cas9, or dCas9, has also been used to identify Mycobacterium TB by triggering luciferase activity upon binding to target DNA.

Application of Cas12a in Pathogen Detection

Class II CRISPR/Cas system member CRISPR/Cas12a demonstrates exceptional specificity in target identification and cleavage. Cas12a offers a simpler detection mechanism than Cas9 since it processes pre-crRNA into mature crRNA without needing RNA or other proteins. While Cas12a's trans-cleavage activity permits the detection of dsDNA bearing a PAM enriched in T (thymidine) under crRNA guidance, its cis-cleavage activity permits the cleavage of both non-target and target strands at staggered DNA breaks.

Application of Cas12b in Pathogen Detection

Cas12b, a member of the II-V CRISPR family, and Cas12a have comparable trans-cleavage activity. Cas12b targets and cleaves ssDNA or dsDNA under the guidance of sgRNA, with no need for PAM for ssDNA targets. Single-base specificity and quick nucleic acid detection have been made possible by the integration of Cas12b and LAMP in HOLMESv2. Notwithstanding encouraging outcomes, time expenditures associated with sample preparation and nucleic acid extraction need to be taken into account.

Application of Cas13a in Pathogen Detection

Cas13a, a bilobed structure with REC and NUC lobes driven by crRNA, demonstrates reverse cleavage activity on target RNA. High-sensitivity nucleic acid detection methods like SHERLOCK and single-nucleotide resolution have benefited greatly from this unique property. The second-generation SHERLOCKv2 technology significantly improves detection performance by amplifying detection signals using several Cas proteins and reporter genes.

Application of Cas14a in Pathogen Detection

The smallest known Class 2 CRISPR effector protein, Cas14a, has nuclease activity that targets ssDNA with guidance from RNA. Cas14a does not need the identification of PAM sites within DNA sequences, in contrast to other Cas proteins. Its nonspecific single-stranded DNase activity allows for high-fidelity DNA single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping and ssDNA virus detection when paired with isothermal amplification methods.

Applications for the CRISPR/Cas system range from single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping to RNA virus detection, providing a viable pathogen detection pathway in vitro. Notwithstanding its benefits, more advancements are required to solve issues including contamination control and difficult sample processing. Nevertheless, CRISPR/Cas-based pathogen identification is set to become a crucial tool in molecular diagnostics as multidisciplinary breakthroughs keep emerging.

Advancing Pathogen Detection with CRISPR PlatformCB: Precision Solutions for Molecular Diagnostics

Creative Biogene's CRISPR PlatformCB provides useful solutions for accurate and early pathogen identification, contributing to the progress of molecular diagnostics. Utilizing CRISPR-based detection technology, which is distinguished by its high specificity, sensitivity, and user-friendliness, our platform facilitates the creation of novel pathogen detection techniques.

Advantages of Our CRISPR PlatformCB

  • Comprehensive CRISPR Services: Our CRISPR PlatformCB offers a wide range of CRISPR services, such as base editing, SgRNA design and validation, and foundational services. These services cover different facets of CRISPR technology and provide researchers with a multitude of options and personalized solutions.
  • High Specificity and Sensitivity: Our CRISPR PlatformCB provides a CRISPR-based detection technology that is highly sensitive and specific. This guarantees precise and timely pathogen identification, which is essential for efficient disease management and control.
  • User-Friendly Solutions: Our CRISPR PlatformCB makes it accessible to researchers and practitioners of all skill levels by offering user-friendly solutions. The development and application of novel pathogen detection techniques are streamlined by this ease of use.
  • Comprehensive Range of Services and Products: Our CRISPR PlatformCB provides a wide range of services and products related to CRISPR that are specifically designed for molecular diagnostics. The platform is widely applicable in the field, ranging from RNA virus detection to genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms.

Numerous applications in the field of molecular diagnostics are made possible by our array of CRISPR-related services and products, which range from single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping to RNA virus detection. Join forces with our platform to leverage CRISPR/Cas technology to propel improvements in pathogen detection techniques.

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For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.