Fosmid Library Construction Service
As a pioneer biotechnology company in the world, Creative Biogene can provide high quality fosmid library construction services to customers worldwide. Creative Biogene’s advanced technologies and highly experienced staffs are available to assist you in all aspects of DNA extraction and shearing, vector construction and infection, QC analysis etc. Creative Biogene’s goal is to provide you with the most affordable, high-quality fosmid library construction services to ensure your satisfaction in a timely and professional manner.

Fosmids are similar to cosmids but are based on the bacterial F-plasmid. Fosmids are commonly used for preparing genomic libraries when a uniform insert size is desired. Fosmid library can be applied in whole genome physical map construction, the studies of gene function, gene expression and gene regulation. It is also a useful tool in map-based cloning of an important gene and the analysis of gene consistence. As a leading supplier in fosmid library construction services, Creative Biogene is committed to providing you the most affordable fosmid library construction services with fastest turnaround time to satisfy your downstream needs.
- Construction of whole genome physical maps.
- Research of gene function and gene expression regulation.
- Map-based cloning of genes conferring important traits.
- Gene structure and function analysis.
- Guaranteed genome coverage.
- High uniformity - the size of the insertion is all around 40kb.
- High stability - single copy in the host bacteria because of the insertion of F-factor.
- Competitive prices.
- Fast turnaround time.
Creative Biogene offers fosmid library construction services for your scientific research as follows:
- DNA extraction and shearing.
- Vector construction and infection.
- Production of a fosmid library.
- Verification of library quality by randomly picking clones and determining insert sizes by restriction digest or DNA sequencing.
- Liu C, Liu X, Lei L, et al. Fosmid library construction and screening for the maize mutant gene Vestigial glume 1. The Crop Journal, 2016, 4(1): 55-60.
- Hao D C, Yang L, Xiao P G. The first insight into the Taxus genome via fosmid library construction and end sequencing. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2011, 285(3): 197-205.
- Lange C, Holtgr?we D, Schulz B, et al. Construction and characterization of a sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) fosmid library. Genome, 2008, 51(11): 948-951.
* For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.