
Custom Libraries Construction Service

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Library construction in molecular biology refers to the process of creating a collection of DNA or RNA sequences isolated from an organism and inserted into a suitable vector. This technique is used to explore the vast amount of genetic information within an organism, understand gene and protein functions, and develop new biotherapeutics.

At Creative Biogene, we offer a variety of custom library construction services, including cDNA libraries, genomic libraries, BAC libraries, mutant libraries, shotgun libraries, and more. Our team is equipped with advanced technologies and extensive experience, allowing us to provide high-quality library construction services to meet diverse research needs.

Service Highlights

1 Ultra-High Mutation Precision

Achieves the highest mutation rate in target regions and the lowest error rate in non-target regions, ensuring 100% overall accuracy.

2 Tailored Synthesis

Prevents unintended mutations and stop codons, supports multi-site and amino acid-specific custom mutations.

3 Optimized Sequence Integrity

Avoids unnecessary amino acids and restriction enzyme sites, ensuring high sequence diversity and integrity.

4 High Coverage and Uniformity

Guarantees library diversity and uniformity, preventing missed sequences and ensuring accurate screening results.

Core Service

Client Case Studies & Research Outcomes

Case Study 1

Transcription factors (TFs) are vital in regulating gene expression and cellular processes in living organisms. The researchers extensively studied lignin biosynthesis regulation in Populus tomentosa through a sophisticated multi-step approach. Utilizing normalized cDNA library construction techniques, they achieved optimal representation of low-abundance transcripts and minimized redundancy of highly expressed genes. The researchers employed a split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) screening system with high-stringency selection, enabling them to identify specific protein-protein interactions between PtoUBC34 and lignin repressors MYB221 and MYB156. Their methodical approach included careful tissue sampling at precise developmental stages, RNA quality control, and systematic library screening with multiple validation steps.

Figure 1 describes an experimental setup using a split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid system to demonstrate the specific interaction between PtoMYB221 and N35 protein, evidenced by successful growth and β-Gal activity with NubG:N35 but not with the negative control NubG.(doi: 10.1186/s12870-019-1697-y)Figure 1. The researchers used a split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid system to screen a cDNA library, isolating proteins like N35 that interact specifically with transcriptional repressors PtoMYB221 and PtoMYB156. (Zheng L, et al., 2019)

Creative Biogene's Library Construction Service features sophisticated size fractionation, optimized vector systems, and high-efficiency transformation protocols that consistently yield libraries with excellent coverage and stability. We offer customized screening strategies, multiple library formats, and specialized vectors compatible with various expression systems.

Case Study 2

In molecular biology research, protein-protein interaction studies are crucial for understanding cellular signaling pathways and gene functions. The researchers employed a comprehensive yeast two-hybrid library screening approach to investigate CCaMK-interacting proteins. They constructed a root cDNA library using size-fractionated cDNAs (>500 bp) and achieved a high transformation efficiency of approximately 2 × 106 colony-forming units per 3 μg of vector DNA. Through stringent screening of 10 million transformants on selective medium (SD-Leu-Trp-His-Ade) and validation with β-galactosidase assays, they successfully identified CIP73 as a novel interacting partner of CCaMK, which was further confirmed through protein pull-down and BiFC assays.

Figure 2 describes how the researchers used in vitro protein pull-down and in planta assays to verify the interaction between CIP73 and CCaMK. (doi:10.1104/pp.110.167965)Figure 2. The researchers used an in vitro protein pull-down assay to investigate CIP73 and CCaMK interactions, followed by in planta assays in N. benthamiana leaves to confirm cellular localization and interaction.(Kang H, et al., 2011)

With Creative Biogene's proprietary protocols for tissue processing and RNA preservation, we will help researchers achieve exceptional library quality even with challenging sample types.

Case Study 3

The Yeast Two-Hybrid (Y2H) system is a revolutionary technology for studying protein-protein interactions, fundamentally based on fusing target proteins with DNA-binding and transcription activation domains to detect interactions through reporter gene expression. The success of this technology critically depends on high-quality library construction - beginning with DNA/RNA extraction and purification, followed by fragmentation and size selection, vector ligation, and finally library transformation. This intricate process requires precise control of multiple parameters including DNA fragment size distribution, vector ligation efficiency, library capacity and representation. Additionally, rigorous quality assessment and sequencing verification are essential to ensure library functionality and experimental reproducibility.

Figure 3 describes three yeast two-hybrid screening techniques used for detecting interactions between proteins. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23603-2_11)Figure 3. Yeast two-hybrid screening techniques (Rajagopala SV, 2015)

Service Application and Support

Creative Biogene boasts in-house developed platforms for gene synthesis, NGS sequencing, oligonucleotide synthesis, and antibody & protein smart laboratories, enabling the large-scale production of oligonucleotides and genes.

Application Areas

1. Molecular Evolution Research

Supports studies in protein engineering and molecular evolution by creating diverse genetic libraries.

2. Therapeutic Target Validation

Enables systematic validation of drug targets through comprehensive genomic and proteomic approaches.

3. Drug Discovery Support

Assists in the identification and optimization of novel drug candidates through various screening approaches.

4. Custom Library Development

Tailored library construction services to meet specific research needs in various fields of molecular biology and biotechnology.

Service Support

Comprehensive Library Services: From DNA extraction and shearing to vector construction and cloning, each step is carried out with expert care.

Expert Assistance: A team of experienced professionals is available to guide clients through the entire process, offering consultation, experimental design support, and troubleshooting.

Flexible Turnaround Times: Services are delivered with a fast turnaround. Creative Biogene boasts a >95% on-time delivery rate.

Competitive Pricing: The company offers cost-effective services, including bulk discounts and no hidden fees, providing transparency and value for clients across all project sizes.

Creative Biogene is committed to delivering fast, affordable, and high-quality Custom Library Construction Services that empower researchers to accelerate their studies and achieve successful outcomes. For more information on our comprehensive services, feel free to reach out.


Q: What is the typical turnaround time for library construction services?

A: Turnaround times vary depending on the library type and complexity:

  • cDNA libraries: 4-6 weeks
  • Genomic libraries: 4-6 weeks
  • BAC libraries: 6-8 weeks
  • Shotgun libraries: 4-6 weeks
  • Mutant libraries: 4-5 weeks

Please note these are estimated times and may vary based on specific project requirements.

Q: What is the typical insert size range for BAC libraries?

A: The average insert size of our BAC library is 110±5kb. The exact size can be optimized based on your specific requirements and the characteristics of your source DNA.

Q: How much starting material is required for cDNA library construction?

A: We generally require a minimum of 500 μg of total RNA, but for challenging or rare samples, we can work with as little as 250 μg using our optimized protocols.

Q: Can you construct tissue-specific cDNA libraries?

A: Yes, we can construct cDNA libraries from various tissue types. We recommend providing fresh or properly preserved tissue samples, or high-quality RNA. Our protocols are optimized for different source materials including challenging tissues.

Q: Do you offer normalization for cDNA libraries?

A: Yes, we provide normalization services to reduce the representation of highly abundant transcripts and enhance the detection of rare transcripts. This is particularly useful for transcriptome analysis and gene discovery projects.

* For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.
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